3/4: TALKING WITH FEAR ABOUT DYING TOMORROW // new work by MATT AUSTIN at Johalla Projects

2011 March 1
by theacreproject

new works by MATT AUSTIN
March 3-5, 2011

Opening Reception: Friday, March 4, 7-10
Open Hours: Thursday, March 3, 3-7 and Saturday, March 5, 1-6

Johalla Projects
1561 N Milwaukee Avenue

TALKING WITH FEAR ABOUT DYING TOMORROW features Matt Austin’s new work incited by a month-long road trip that followed his ACRE Residency. The exhibition features photographs documenting a variety of individualized interactions with one’s environment, such as carving into a tree or posing for a tourist photo. By exhibiting photographs of these aesthetic gestures, Austin is reiterating personal messages and extending them to a different audience, presenting the function of another’s visual work as no separate than his own. His work encourages an appreciation for the ways in which we recognize the common desire to feel special and tangibly represent the significance of our experiences.

As a part of his solo exhibition at Johalla Projects, he will be releasing an edition of newsprints and a monograph of new work. Also, his first contribution to HomeSchool, a traveling institution for experimental pedagogy, will be held in the space at 4 pm on Saturday, March 5th.

MATT AUSTIN (b. Hartford, CT, 1986) is an artist and educator based in Chicago, IL. He received his BFA in Photography from Columbia College in 2009 and now teaches through After School Matters and the Museum of Contemporary Photography at Senn High School. Austin is a participating artist in the Catherine Edelman Gallery’s Chicago Project and a recent resident of the ACRE Artist Residency and the Hopkinson House/Drawing Room Gallery Artist Symposium. He is the winner of the 2009 InFocus Grant and the Albert P. Weisman Grants in 2008 and 2009. His work is a included in various private collections as well as the Hornswaggler Arts Collection, the Indie Photobook Library, the Estate of Ray Yoshida, and the Columbia College Photo Department.
More information about Matthew Austin can be found at mattaustinphoto.com.
More information about Johalla Projects can be found at johallaprojects.com.