5/13: SHYALATOR // new works by CLAIRE ARCTANDER

2011 May 9
by theacreproject

May 13-27

Opening Reception: Friday, May 13, 7-10
Performances start at 8
Open hours by appointment 607.351.8692

The Plaines Project
1822 S Desplaines Street

SHYALATOR: Above and below ground on Friday the 13th of May, Claire Arctander offers up a moody night of art and music in honor of the date and its waxing moon.  Come to see Claire‘s new art.  Stay to let your inner 13-year-old crush out on live music by dreamy Bastardgeist (playing at 8pm) and meany MURDERLATION (playing at 9pm).

CLAIRE ARCTANDER lives and works in Chicago. Claire makes sculptures, photos and videos that revel in the tactility of desire, teasing fantastic out of banal.  She plays with the potential for power in debasement.  She gets into exquisite rough things.