6/13: SETTLE DOWN // new work by JESSICA CAPONIGRO at Lease Agreement

2015 June 8
by theacreproject

June 13-July 5, 2015

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 13, 6-9pm
Open Hours: Wednesdays 4-8pm and by appointment

Lease Agreement
3718 Ellerslie Ave
Baltimore, MD 21218



ACRE and Lease Agreement present an opening reception on Saturday, June 13, 2015 from 6-9 PM at 3718 Ellerslie Ave, Baltimore, MD 21218.  ACRE has partnered with Lease Agreement to host JESSICA CAPONIGRO: SETTLE DOWN, the next installment in ACRE’s year-long series of exhibitions by 2014 ACRE summer residents.

“Of course, thanks to the house, a great many of our memories are housed, and if the house is a bit elaborate, if it has a cellar and a garret, nooks and corridors, our memories have refuges that are all the more clearly delineated. All our lives we come back to them in our daydreams.”              – Gaston Bachelard, “The Poetics of Space”

SETTLE DOWN is a solo exhibition of installation and sculptural works by Chicago-based artist Jessica Caponigro. Her work for Lease Agreement is site-specific: through pattern, as is found in her hand-printed wallpaper installation, it physically references the formal elements found in the house while in essence it locates the psychological tensions found in a well-lived space. Caponigro’s minimal installations containing fluorite crystals, moss, astroturf, and rocks function as domestic signs that have been denied their normal role in order to expose the presences and absences found therein. Just as Bachelard defines Topoanalysis as the “systematic psychological study of the sites of our intimate lives” through lyrical philosophy in “The Poetics of Space”, Caponigro finds her analytic voice in the poetry of the physical object and geometry of living.

Before receiving her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Jessica Caponigro attended Bryn Mawr College where she earned her BA in the History of Art. In her work, Caponigro explores ideas of restriction through repetition, reproduction, and translation. She has taught classes at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Olive Harvey College, and currently teaches studio and academic classes at Harold Washington College. She has exhibited work at the DePaul Art Museum, Chicago Cultural Center, and the Highland Park Art Center. Her work is in the permanent collections at California State Long Beach and the Joan Flasch Artists’ Books Collection. She is a member of the feminist art collective Tracers, and frequently participates in workshops, most recently at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and NYU Florence.

More information about Jessica Caponigro can be found at www.jessicacaponigro.com.

Lease Agreement is a collaborative curatorial project by artists Adam Farcus and Allison Yasukawa. Set in the living room of the couple’s rental house, Lease Agreement continues in the tradition of apartment gallery exhibition spaces by exhibiting conceptually rigorous, engaging work within the context of a home.

More information about Lease Agreement can be found at leaseagreementbaltimore.blogspot.com.