6/6: LAST YEAR ON THE INTERNET // new work by NEGATIVE JAM at Ordinary Projects

2015 June 1
by theacreproject

new work by NEGATIVE JAM
June 6-28, 2015

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 6, 6-10pm

Ordinary Projects
2233 S Throop St, 5th Floor


Popular cultures temporality has drastically changed with the introduction of the Internet and radical connectivity. The lifespan of a trend, topic or spectacle is fleeting but its range and reach are exponentially larger than any other point in history. The impact of pop culture content is deep but fleeting which changes the influence on the way societies view themselves and others. This shift in participation, altered longevity and skewed relevance of information necessitated an artistic intervention. Through exploration and analysis two artists have started cataloging what happens online and presenting their findings each month through a podcast, Last Month on the Internet. After twelve months of collection, research and performances the exhibition, Last Year on the Internet was developed. 

Come take a look at the physical and virtual manifestation of the life we have all collectively lived for the past twelve months online. See how memic theory is continuously altering and dictating our combined memory of what has happened online, what was successful and what has changed us forever.

More information about NEGATIVE JAM can be found at negativejam.com

Ordinary Projects is an exhibition space and curatorial project that leverages the success of Industry of the Ordinary to create a highly visible platform for performance, installation and other non-traditional media works.

More information about Ordinary Projects can be found at ordinaryprojects.org