Its that time of year again for the Annual ACRE Block Party!
We’re celebrating the highly anticipated arrival of summer and our imminent departure for the farm in Wisconsin with a good old fashioned Pilsen block party. Stop by for fun and water games with the neighborhood kids, yummy summer drinks in our special ACRE glow-in-the-dark cups, arts & crafts, tunes by DJ MTZ + DJ Conner and other fun stuff.
Plus we’re excited to be releasing the 3rd edition of the ACRE Kitchen Cook Book- KADABRA. Cook books will be available for purchase and we’ll be serving up the ACRE chefs’ twist on street food including fancy hot dogs and shish kabob. You know its gonna be deeee-licious!
Come on by and bring yer friends!
P.S. Keep the party raging and head a few streets over to the after party kegger featuring tunes by DJ Hot Glue at 10pm. 2058 W 21st St.