2015 September 14
by theacreproject

new work by SONJA DAHL
September 18-October 24

Opening Reception: Friday, September 18, 6-9 PM

Plug Projects
1613 Gennessee St
Kansas City, MO



Between Blues is a solo exhibition by Sonja Dahl which engages ideas of communities, collectives and collaboration. Her recent works involve looking at the complex relationships between humans and the natural and constructed worlds we live in. Utilizing the deep blue of indigo dye and of cyanotype prints, Dahl instrumentalizes natures “blues” to actively respond to our contemporary ecological devastation

SONJA DAHL is an independent artist and researcher with a fluid, traveling, and collaboration-focused practice. She is a founding member of Craft Mystery Cult (United States) and has worked with The Poetic Everyman Project based out of Indonesia and Australia. Her 2012-2014 research projects in Indonesia, supported by the Fulbright Foundation and Asian Cultural Council, focused on the culture of collaboration, artist collectives and participatory projects in Yogyakarta’s contemporary arts, as well as in-depth study of batik, ikat weaving and indigo dye production in Java, Bali, Sumba and Flores. She holds a Master of Fine Arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art, 2012. Her artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently at Bezirksmuseum Neubau, Vienna, Austria; The Darwin Visual Arts Association, Darwin NT, Australia; and The Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, OR, USA. Her writing is published with Carets and Sticks Contemporary Arts online, Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, Dilettante, and forthcoming in Surface Design. 

More information about Sonja Dahl can be found at www.sonjakdahl.com


PLUG PROJECTS is a curatorial collaboration and exhibition space run by six Kansas City artists who share the mission of bringing fresh perspectives and conversation to the local art community. Our goal is to energize artists and the public at large by exhibiting challenging new work, initiating critical dialogue, and expanding connections of artists in Kansas City as part of a wider, national network of artists. 

PLUG Projects presents bi-monthly exhibitions featuring national and international artists who are actively challenging contemporary perspectives in all disciplines. Accompanying each exhibition, PLUG’s program includes critique nights, a curated blog, interdisciplinary events, lectures and studio visits to contribute to greater artistic dialogues.