The Haunting of the In-Between Space: Tracing Future Memories

2017 March 8
by theacreproject

unnamed (1)
Workshop 2:
Sunday, March 19th, 2-5 PM
The Haunting of the In-Between Space: Tracing Future Memories
Co-facilitated by: Ximena Ayon, William Camargo, Amanda Cortes, Michael de Anda Muñiz, and Silvia Gonzalez

*This workshop is intended to center POC artists and POC social movements. It will focus primarily on Chicanx history.

unnamed (2)Silvia Gonzalez, Mitos | Memory, 2016

“El pueblo que pierde su memoria pierde su destino”
“A people that loses its memory forfeits its destiny”
-Mexican Proverb

What haunts Xicanx work? In this workshop participants will learn about Chicanx artists and the Chicano movement. How have Chicanxs used art in social movement work? What is the role of art in cultural preservation and historical reclamation? What memories are urgent to preserve? How do Xicanx use art to critique displacement and create new spaces of belonging? What role do mitos play in preserving and creating new stories to tell? What stories will haunt our future generations? What is the destiny we are building for our future ancestors? During this workshop, participants will have a series of prompts to select from that include a listening station, collaging, zine making, redactive poetry/writing, and will be encouraged to share resulting works in progress with one another.