Flatfile » Yhelena Hall »

And the Names I Forgot: Arlandina

By playing with the familiarity of organic and inorganic elements, I invite my viewers to share a sense of the uncanny. Ordinary things taken out of their everyday content and imbedded into an illusory composition are loosing their practical sense, gaining a metaphorical one instead.

Inorganic elements such as blank CD, cellphone cables, and electric wires, connect us to the reality of the past few decades and are slowly becoming obsolete. By including them, I convey the idea of bordering the unknown, being a part of a transition from the forgotten to the unexplored, as from the past to the future.

Organic elements, such as grafted cactus, aloe plant and English ivy, show a biological aspect of time. Currently immersed into the body my piece, they will soon dominate it, and eventually reclaim it like nature reclaims abandoned human habitats.