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Brittany Ransom
- Tracks Series (Image 1), ACRE 2010 Tracks is an exploratory series of photographic, vidoegraphic, and motion capture images mapping the habitual patterns of bess beetles. The beetles are each affixed with their own trackable "backpack" made from self-adhesive velcro, a small watch battery, and variable light emitting diodes. Because of their necessity to constantly burrow through hard woods like oak, elm, and other deciduous trees, to make tunnels or galleries, these beetles have a unique brute strength that is unrivaled by many other organisms, including human beings. The average bess beetle can pull approximately 112.83 grams of weight. If equated to the average weight of an American (164 pounds), a human would need to be able to pull 18,504 pounds to have the equivalent strength of a bess beetle. Thus making the fabricated beetle ‘backpack’ no more difficult for them to carry than a human wearing a wristwatch.
- Tracks Series (Image 2), ACRE 2010 Tracks is an exploratory series of photographic, vidoegraphic, and motion capture images mapping the habitual patterns of bess beetles. The beetles are each affixed with their own trackable "backpack" made from self-adhesive velcro, a small watch battery, and variable light emitting diodes. Because of their necessity to constantly burrow through hard woods like oak, elm, and other deciduous trees, to make tunnels or galleries, these beetles have a unique brute strength that is unrivaled by many other organisms, including human beings. The average bess beetle can pull approximately 112.83 grams of weight. If equated to the average weight of an American (164 pounds), a human would need to be able to pull 18,504 pounds to have the equivalent strength of a bess beetle. Thus making the fabricated beetle ‘backpack’ no more difficult for them to carry than a human wearing a wristwatch.
- Tracks Series (Image 3), ACRE 2010 Tracks is an exploratory series of photographic, vidoegraphic, and motion capture images mapping the habitual patterns of bess beetles. The beetles are each affixed with their own trackable "backpack" made from self-adhesive velcro, a small watch battery, and variable light emitting diodes. Because of their necessity to constantly burrow through hard woods like oak, elm, and other deciduous trees, to make tunnels or galleries, these beetles have a unique brute strength that is unrivaled by many other organisms, including human beings. The average bess beetle can pull approximately 112.83 grams of weight. If equated to the average weight of an American (164 pounds), a human would need to be able to pull 18,504 pounds to have the equivalent strength of a bess beetle. Thus making the fabricated beetle ‘backpack’ no more difficult for them to carry than a human wearing a wristwatch.
- Experimental Neurons Still From Leg Removal, 2011 This is a still taken from the leg removal of the cockroach used in the Experimental Neurons short experimental sound composition that was created by recording the sound of neurons flowing through a removed cockroach leg. The leg was removed and was immediately probed for sound.
- Windsolar Sounds Windsolar Sounds is a three piece installation that is typically installed in the woods. Each "disc" is soloar powered and is attached to a tree. Each "disc" is controlled by flex sensor that is imbedded in the leaves of each tree. As the leaves are blown by the wind, the flex sensor reads the pressure. As the pressure on the leaves changes sound is emitted from the speakers and varies based on the pressure information. This approach ultimately results in a completely organic three channel digital sound scape that is never the same twice.
- Subsequent Sight Series: Mac, Steuben Wisconsin, 2010 Part of an ongoing video series where a video camera is attached to a dog to offer the most realistic perspective possible of the dog's daily routines. So far 9 dogs have been recorded ranging in various age, sex, and breed.