Dance Party MassACRE 2: Karaoke For Your Life

2012 May 29
by theacreproject

Reprising ACRE’s very first dance party at the lovely Minicastle.


Its a costume party!
No wait, its a karaoke party!
No wait, its a drag party!

Mikale De Graff is back in town and back in action, playing dance party tunes and karaoke jams!Come dressed in a costume and get $$$ off your entrance. The doormen will decide if your costume shows enough Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent then you get to drink all night for free! And we got you covered in jungle juice and cheap beer.


$1 off for a sickening drag costume
$1 off for a popstar-you’re-gonna-karaoke-as costume
$2 off for both

Post your Karaoke Song Request


If you post by this Thursday (May 31st) Mikale de Graff will make a custom karaoke video just for you!

Let’s get sweaty!

Roxaboxen Exhibitions

2130 W 21st Street
