Flatfile » Laura Splan »
The frenetic imagery in this series is formed from electromyography (EMG) data collected while performing tasks and expressions with my own body such as squinting, blinking and even unraveling a finished tapestry. The numerical EMG data was visualized in a custom Processing program that was written to repeat, rotate, and randomly colorize the EMG waveforms. The series of digitally woven tapestries examines notions of labor and craft as they relate to material and technology. By combining hand and digital processes with traditional textiles and new media technologies, the series destabilizes and interrogates how each is categorized and valued. The narrative implications of these categories are mined for their potential to explore how technology, data, and cultural artifacts mediate our understanding of the human body.
- Undo (installation view) “Material Bodies” ACRE Projects April 2016 Curated by Anastasia Karpova Tinari
- Undo (detail of tapestry edge) 2016 computerized jacquard loom woven cotton tapestry approx. 70”H x 53”W
>>View EMG Tapestries series on artist’s website