Flatfile » Raheleh Minoosh Zomorodinia »

Location: Albany, CA

Website: www.rahelehzomorodinia.com

Raheleh "Minoosh" Zomorodinia is an Iranian-born educator and multimedia artist who employs photography, video, installations and performance to make visible for audiences her emotional and psychological reflections as seen in her mind's eye and inspired by nature. Zomorodinia’s work has been exhibited locally and internationally at the Museum of Contemporary Art Isfahan, Iran; Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland; Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA; Marin Community Foundation, Novato, CA; and the Nevada Art Museum, Reno Nevada. She has received an MFA Fellowship from San Francisco Art Institute (2013), Photography Award from Pocono Arts Council, (2015), nominated for the Headlands Graduate Fellowship Award, ACRE Artists Residency, Steuben, WI; nominee for the Tosa Studio Award, San Francisco, CA; and Affiliate Artist in Residence program at Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA (2016). Zomorodinia received her BA and MA from Azad University, Tehran, Iran, and her MFA from San Francisco Art Institute.

W&P Chords



W&P Chords

I play with empty bullet shells to compose a rhythm. I use two approaches—ritual and game—to challenge the audience’s perceived meaning of the object. The sound created by bullet shells is reminiscent of the sound streaming water makes in nature, creating a conceptual contradiction in the viewer’s mind.