Dawn Kim, Selection from First Flight-a series of screenshots made from amateur drone footage found online, 2018
Dawn Kim, Selection from First Flight-a series of screenshots made from amateur drone footage found online, 2018
As the crowd gathered to watch the sun set below the ocean’s horizon one viewer turned away from the dipping orb, shifting her gaze towards a slowly descending drone. Seductively she narrowed her focus deep into its blinking retina, and began to perform for the aircraft by gently swaying her hips. Gradually she shifted her body from rhythmic undulations to unplanned spins and twirls, overly articulating her movements in an attempt to retain the overhead copter’s trained stare. Every now and again she would pause her dance to coyly kick at the encroaching surf, never breaking eye contact with the hovering lens. If there was music inspiring her improvisational jolts it was contained within her head. The only sound that could be heard above the waves was the drone’s incessant, needy buzz.
Although the machine’s operator sat closely behind the dancer, his gaze was directed downward. Without ever looking up from his lap he returned her unfaltering stare, hypnotized by the hi-res imitation that swirled across his remote’s small, embedded screen. As he continued to peer between his thighs his face shimmered wildly— a dazed smile illuminated by twin, tangerine suns.
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Double Gaze presents photography, video, and sculpture from five artists’ interactions with a range of individual and government-based tracking systems.
Download the full press release at the link on this page.