I Am A Thing That Holds Something Else
ACRE Projects Lakeview
Opening Reception:
It's Valentine's Day! ACRE Projects and Ground Level Platform are pleased to announce To Hold Space, the first solo exhibition of Bonny Nahmias.
In this exhibition, Nahmias continues to explore a project she began in the winter of 2017 where she stretched a tin can telephone in places where communication has been broken by geography, modernity, and politics. Over the past few years the string has found its way over gaps and barriers such as the separation wall between Palestine and Israel, or peak to peak in Twin Peaks, San Francisco, CA. Bringing this project to an indoor space for the first time, Nahmias chose to create a multi-tin can telephone installation accompanied by The Orchestra Of Space Holders, a book to serve as a guide through a distant yet intimate conversation. Each page is followed by creatures who carry the protective/evil eye on their chest and exist to help us ponder and perhaps understand the commonly used term “to hold space”.
Do we hold space? How do we hold space? Why do we hold it? And who do we hold it for/with?
Opening Reception: