Moises Salazar Tlatenchi, Luna Llena, 2024, Yarn, Glass beads, Sequin 43 x 28 in / Courtesy of the artist
Opening Reception:
One University Plaza
Health and Science Building, room 201 (HSB 201)
Springfield ,
IL 62703
In conjunction with this exhibition, Tlatenchi will present an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speaker Series lecture from 6 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 19 in Brookens Auditorium, located on the lower level of Brookens Library. Tlatenchi’s lecture will explore their work as a non-binary first-generation Mexican American, using glitter, fabrics and traditional techniques to celebrate queer and immigrant resilience.
Moises Salazar Tlatenchi, Luna Llena, 2024, Yarn, Glass beads, Sequin 43 x 28 in / Courtesy of the artist
The University of Illinois Springfield Visual Arts Gallery is pleased to present “Hijx De Viboras Doradas,” an exhibition by Chicago-based artist Moises Salazar Tlatenchi. “Hijx De Viboras Doradas” opens Feb. 10 and runs through March 6.
Hijx De Viboras Doradas is presented in partnership with the Artists’ Cooperative Residency & Exhibitions (ACRE), an artist-run non-profit based in Chicago devoted to providing resources to emerging artists and nurturing a diverse community of cultural producers. ACRE’s programs support this generative community with materials, equipment, expertise and opportunities to exhibit and share work.
In conjunction with this exhibition, Tlatenchi will present an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speaker Series lecture from 6 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 19 in Brookens Auditorium, located on the lower level of Brookens Library. Tlatenchi’s lecture will explore their work as a non-binary first-generation Mexican American, using glitter, fabrics and traditional techniques to celebrate queer and immigrant resilience.
This exhibition and ECCE lecture are co-sponsored by UIS Gender & Sexuality Student Services and the UIS Diversity Center.
Immediately following this lecture, the UIS Visual Arts Gallery will host an exhibition reception for “Hijx De Viboras Doradas” from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the UIS Visual Arts Gallery. This event is free and open to the public.
Hijx De Viboras Doradas pairs marginalized narratives of queer discovery, rejection and acceptance, with popular narrative construction and ancient Aztec deities. An experience laced with beauty, vulnerability and understanding of judgment, eyes and snakes run throughout the space. The serpent is a representation of the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl, associated with themes of creation. Tlatenchi uses these histories to highlight the vital role that queer communities play in self-discovery. Subverting the associations of snakes, Tlatenchi represents them as glamorous queer mothers. They offer us safety, protection and an invitation to participate in the freedom that comes from thriving in the abyss.
The UIS Visual Arts Gallery acknowledges support from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
The gallery is centrally located in the UIS Health and Sciences Building, room 201 (HSB 201). Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. For more information and future exhibitions, visit the UIS Visual Arts Gallery website.
Opening Reception:
One University Plaza
Health and Science Building, room 201 (HSB 201)
Springfield ,
IL 62703
In conjunction with this exhibition, Tlatenchi will present an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speaker Series lecture from 6 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 19 in Brookens Auditorium, located on the lower level of Brookens Library. Tlatenchi’s lecture will explore their work as a non-binary first-generation Mexican American, using glitter, fabrics and traditional techniques to celebrate queer and immigrant resilience.