Clare Gatto, "Ootheca", 2019, Digital Rendering
Clare Gatto, "Ootheca", 2019, Digital Rendering
“1. Nearly…” 1
Similar to a narrative arc, we like to believe that our life builds reliably and, as its author, we determine how it settles into resolution. But as we move through public and intimate spheres, the solid foundation we seek is found to be continuously shifting and unfolding in unpredictable ways. Moments of misrecognition, instability, and isolation are more frequent than we would hope and they occur in spaces and with people that should provide anything but.
We experience these fragilities of living simultaneously to holding hopes for satisfaction, upward mobility, and reliable connection. To be solid, stable, and near. As we try to find root and better traction in the world, we wish to be closer to a place, an ideal, or a person, because “the nearness to this thing will help you (or a world) to become different in just the right way.” 2
But just as we approach the thing, it slips. It moves away, transforms, or disappears completely. How do we deal?
Please join us for Wanbli Gamache’s activations of the approaches adopted and shared by Clare Gatto, Juan Molina Hernández, and Holly Veselka, the first of which will occur during the install of the exhibition on May 28th, 2019 at 8 PM.**
1. Berlant, Lauren. Cruel Optimism. Duke University Press, 2011. 161.
2. Ibid., 2.
**This performance will occur during the install of the exhibition The approach. Please be respectful and mindful of works-in-progress when in the space.
Download full press release below.